Visites en anglais de l'Aven d'Orgnac – English guided tour of the cave

Follow a guide into the cave to discover its unique atmosphere and majestic underground landscapes.
Have you ever visited the Aven d'Orgnac, Great Site of France? The grandiose and breathtaking cave which allows you to admire the gigantic underground chambers and their crystal formations, and the museum Cité de la Préhistoire bringing you back to your roots by reliving 350.000 years of Prehistory.

Guided tours everyday from the 11th of July to the 28th of August, three times a day. Please book your tickets before coming.


From the 8th of July to the 30th of August 2024
English guided tour under the cave five times a day
Duration : guided tour under the cave (1.15) and visit of the Cité de la Préhistoire without a guide (approximately 1-2 hours)
Please book your tickets online before coming

Equipements / Services

Nous parlons : Anglais

Ouverture / Tarifs

Du 08/07 au 30/08/2024, tous les jours de 9h30 à 19h.
English guided tour under the cave five times a day : 11.00, 12.30, 13.30, 15.00 et 16.30.
Adulte : 16 €, Enfant (17 ans) : 11 € (Under 6 years FREE / 6 – 17 years : € 11 /), Etudiant : 13 € (Student / jobseeker / adult large family (with 3 or more children).

Gratuit pour les moins de 6 ans.

rubrique “visiter le Grand site “.
  • Carte bancaire/crédit
  • Espèces
  • Paiement sans contact
A partir de 16 € / adulte


2240 route de l'Aven
07150 Orgnac-l’Aven
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